Sunday, November 28, 2010

before now

ive been researching this for weeks {actually months}so im not just going into this with my head in the clouds. i dont know how many forms ive filled out as practice,how many forums ive read, how many times ive read over the same pieces of info from the canadian govt

until today i thought i had to apply on a temporary work visa but now it seems i can apply as a federal skilled worker once ive secured an offer of work which has been approved by the canadian officials, normally application through a federal skilled worker programme is only available if your job description matches a job descirption on a list of 29!

so now myself & himself have to try to remember to keep all receipts etc for any transactions we make for our house... {our paperwork skills could be considered minimal!} to be able to prove that we live together & are in a committed relationship!

this is great as now we wont have to apply for seperate temporary work permits...

his emmigrating lark might be exciting but its bloody confusing!

the websites i've found really good are: {government information} {less formal government information,up to date industry & employment reports} {tips & hints from people who're living the dream!}

also i've found it really beneficial to find out how much my expenses are going to be once im over there, like food, phone, internet etc...the price of car insurance nearly gave me heart palpitations, im still coming to terms with the idea of not having a car of my own! {the little sacrifices!]

the story so far

after finishing my degree in june 2010 i started full time work with the company i did a work experience with {have been working with them now since feb 2009}

the boyfriend came up with the genius plan of looking for work abroad {canada to be more precise}.

hes a hgv driver & i work in the events business, we've been together 18 months, had a house together since march and get to see each other every weekend...but thats not really enough for us anymore, we're madly in love & want to live together permanently but considering our current jobs are the best  available its not possible for us to stay in ireland & live together

so to canada it is...

june 2011 we should be on canadian soil, with a permanent residency visa for me & him being my common-in-law partner.

cue excitement & confusion