Wednesday, December 8, 2010

first job applied for

ok folks, just applied for my first job....

the journey has well & truly begun

fingers crossed


we both suffered a lull for the past few weeks, considering our different options to stay in ireland but we've realised something...

we actually dont want to be here anymore, its being made to difficult for us either by the budget {announced yesterday!} or the fact that neither of us are excessively happy in our jobs...

now i know we're lucky to have jobs etc etc etc but as far as i can see our respective bosses know full well that they have us over a barrell so we have to either put up or shut up {me in particular as i'm fresh out of college!}

rant over, bad mood over, job search resumes

actually speaking of resumes i've had to canadianise mine a little bit, making me realise how often irish cv's can seem unprofessional

ps. its been really cold here for the past two weeks & i seem to be handling it ok, he is holding up ok too

fingers crossed it will be canada next winter
